Terms of Service

By using any of our websites, including but not limited to this one:
You agree to the following terms and conditions
Major Record Distribution LLC or any of its subsidiary companies shall not be responsible for any copyright infringement issues arising from the use of our servers and are not responsible for any content uploaded by our users.
The responsibility for uploaded content and/or copyright issues are the responsibility of the user who has obtained access to one or more of our servers. The term Our Servers refers to the servers we are renting or own and have made available for use by our customers.
You shall at all times ensure that your User Content does not:
[1] Contain any content, information or material that infringes the rights of any third party including copyright, trademark rights, confidential information or rights of privacy
[2] Violate any applicable laws
[3] Contain any content or material that is offensive, abusive, defamatory, libellous, derogatory, bullying, discriminatory, obscene, violent, sexually explicit, indecent, which promotes or encourages violence, terrorism or any other illegal acts or which is likely to harass, upset, embarrass, alarm, inconvenience or annoy any person
In any way promote or incite anyone to commit or assist in any unlawful or criminal activity or anti-social behaviour, or encourage activities which could endanger the safety or wellbeing of others
Identify any person without their consent, or the consent of their parent or legal guardian if they are under 18 years of age
[4] Disclose anyone’s personal contact details or invade their privacy
Aid in the distribution of any viruses or other malicious or harmful material
Unconfirmed registrations will automatically be deleted from our system(s) after 30 days, so it is important to confirm your registration as soon as you receive your confirmation email.
By registering an account on our website(s) you are also giving us permission to post images/content on other websites to promote you and our brand(s).
Fake Registrations
Fake registrations will not only be deleted from our system(s) but will also have the details entered into a RBL blacklist that will prevent any future access to our website(s) and will also be reported to the appropriate Internet Service Provider (ISP), you have been warned, and no further warnings will be given.
Music Submissions
Music submissions can be purchased from BlastFM Limited.
Payment must be made before they will process any music submissions.
© Major Record Distribution LLC 2023
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